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Upcoming Events

We Can't Afford (not) to be Artists


Group Art Exhibition 

including work of VCAS Artists-in-Residence

Vernissage February 29th, 6pm 
Opening Times: March 1st-2nd, 1-6pm

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Past Events

Public | Private

Group Art Exhibition

​Part of the 
A juried group art exhibition exploring the theme of Public | Private. 
Vernissage: June 16th, 6pm

Exhibition Publication
click to view

Film Clapboard

Practice / Process

Artist Experimental Short Film Screening


Juried experimental short film curation for the upcoming Open Studio Weekend on June 16-17th, 2023


Details coming soon!


A live participatory pan-global drawing event organised by VCAS (Vienna Contemporary Art Space) and hosted at Ministry of Artists in Vienna's 20th district and everywhere else via ZOOM.


Duration: approx. 45 minutes



* Music composer and performer: Anthony Kroytor

* On-stage artists: (I) Instructor, Ziegi Boss, Paige Tuhey

* Artists participating remotely via ZOOM


Sound.DRAW is a live participatory pan-global drawing event organised by VCAS (Vienna Contemporary Art Space) and hosted by Ministry of Artists in Vienna's 20th district and everywhere else via ZOOM. Three artists will be onstage creating a large-scale collaborative drawing in response to the sound of live music and images of videos which will be projected onto a wall that they will be drawing on.

Audience members in the space will be invited to make drawings in response to the music (drawing supplies will be provided)., as will artists via ZOOM. If you would like to participate via Zoom, please email for the Zoom link.


The live audience and ZOOM artists will be invited to show their drawings at the end of the event. 

We aim to create a physical and virtual coming together through the medium of music and drawing.

When and Where:

April 30th, 2023, 5pm 

At the Ministry of Artists

Allerheiligenplatz 15/2,
1200 WIEN|Austria

ZEiChNE dich ins NEUJAHR!

draw yourself into the New Year!

31st December 2022 

A live participatory music and drawing event organised by VCAS (Vienna Contemporary Art Space) & JEANSKAMEL
(Space for Community Based Art) in Vienna.



* Music composer and performer: Anthony Kroytor

* artists: (I) Instructor, Ziegi Boss, Paige Tuhey

* AI artist Marcus (21:30)

* Artists in the audience and ZOOM participants (Bryan Parsons UK and Oliver Cloke UK)

Three artists were onstage at Jeankamel, creating large-scale drawings in response to the sound and rhythm of live music, guided by the theme of each respective work.

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(or: see what you hear)


A live participatory pan-global drawing event hosted by VCAS (Vienna Contemporary Art Space) at Quentin Kaffeebar in Vienna and everywhere else via Zoom.


Duration: 60 minutes



* Music composer and performer: Anthony Kroytor

* On-stage artists: (I) Instructor, Ziegi Boss, Paige Tuhey

* Artists in the audience and remote participants


Three artists will be onstage at Quentin Kaffeebar, creating large-scale drawings in response to the sound and rhythm of live music, guided by the theme of each respective work.


Audience members will be invited to participate. Drawing supplies will be provided.


The theme of each piece will be stated as a short verbal phrase immediately beforehand. This, along with the music, will serve to inspire the visual art of all participants.


Other artists will also be invited to participate remotely via Zoom. If you would like to participate via Zoom, please email for the Zoom link.


The live audience will be invited to show their drawings at the end of the event. These drawings will all be mounted on the wall, creating a multifaceted collaborative work.

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